Author Profession: Russian Revolutionary
Born: 1879-10-26
Died: 1940-08-21
Quotes: Leon Trotsky
Author Profession: English actor.
Born: 1942-10-26
Died: 2014-04-29
Author Profession: US mixed martial artist, comic book writer, and retired professional wrestler.
Born: 1978-10-26
Author Profession: US actor. He is best known for his role as lawyer and law firm head Bobby Donnell.
Born: 1961-10-26
Author Profession: US actress and businesswoman. She is known for her role as Kelly Garrett in the television series Charlie's Angels (1976-81)
Born: 1945-10-26
Author Profession: French president
Born: 1916-10-26
Died: 1996-01-08
Quotes: Francois Mitterand
Author Profession: Dutch writer
Born: 1466-10-26
Died: 1536-07-12
Quotes: Desiderius Erasmus
Author Profession: Iranian Royalty
Born: 1919-10-26
Died: 1980-07-27
Quotes: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Author Profession: US Musician
Born: 1911-10-26
Died: 1972-01-27
Quotes: Mahalia Jackson
Author Profession: Business & Investing edit data Napoleon Hill was an American author in the area of the new thought movement who was one of the earliest producers of the modern of personal-success literature.
Born: 1883-10-26
Died: 1970-11-08
Quotes: Napoleon Hill
Author Profession: French Revolutionary
Born: 1759-10-26
Died: 1794-04-05
Quotes: Georges Jacques Danton