September 22 Birthdays

Laura Vandervoort

Author Profession: Canadian Actress
Born: 1984-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Laura Vandervoort
Quotes: Laura Vandervoort

Laura Vandervoort

Ive played such serious characters that no one sees me the way I actually am, which is completely cheesy and goofy, so it would be fun to do a romantic comedy and just have a good laugh.
Michael Faraday

Author Profession: English Scientist
Born: 1791-09-22
Died: 1867-08-25


Quotes: Michael Faraday
Quotes: Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature.
Tom Felton

Author Profession: English Actor
Born: 1987-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Tom Felton
Quotes: Tom Felton

Tom Felton

I like to fish. Fishing is always a way of relaxing.
Nick Cave

Author Profession: US musician (Bad Seeds)
Born: 1957-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Nick Cave
Quotes: Nick Cave

Nick Cave

But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . .
Paul Muni

Author Profession: Austro-Hungarian actor
Born: 1895-09-22
Died: 1967-08-25


Quotes: Paul Muni
Quotes: Paul Muni

Paul Muni

I won't go up in a plane, but if a play crashes, I'll jump into the next one that comes along and take it up for a spin.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

Author Profession: British Statesman
Born: 1694-09-22
Died: 1773-03-24


Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in.
Bonnie Hunt

Author Profession: US Actress
Born: 1961-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Bonnie Hunt
Quotes: Bonnie Hunt

Bonnie Hunt

If Ive learned one thing in life, its: Stand for something or youll fall for anything.
Charles Brenton Huggins

Author Profession: Canadian Scientist
Born: 1901-09-22
Died: 1997-01-12


Quotes: Charles Brenton Huggins
Quotes: Charles Brenton Huggins

Charles Brenton Huggins

Nature can refuse to speak but she cannot give a wrong answer.
Chen Ning Yang

Author Profession: US Physicist
Born: 1922-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Chen Ning Yang
Quotes: Chen Ning Yang

Chen Ning Yang

In the final analysis, the incident is seen as originating from an emotional expression of the frustration and anger of the proud people of China who had been subject to ever increasing oppression from without and decadent corruption from within.
Daniella Alonso

Author Profession: US Actress
Born: 1978-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Daniella Alonso
Quotes: Daniella Alonso

Daniella Alonso

One Tree Hill really had an impact on my life. It was the first time I left my house and my family in New York and went to a small town in North Carolina. It was the most incredible experience for me.
Emilie Autumn

Author Profession: US Musician
Born: 1979-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Emilie Autumn
Quotes: Emilie Autumn

Emilie Autumn

It is not seen as insane when a fighter, under an attack that will inevitable lead to his death, chooses to take his own life first. In fact, this act has been encouraged for centuries, and is accepted even now as an honorable reason to do the deed. How is it any different when you are under attack by your own mind?
Godfrey Gao

Author Profession: Canadian Actor
Born: 1984-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Godfrey Gao
Quotes: Godfrey Gao

Godfrey Gao

In Asia, it is very hectic - there is no overtime, no holidays, no weekends. Its pretty rushed because they are trying to cut the deadline.
Joe Valachi

Author Profession: US Criminal
Born: 1903-09-22
Died: 1971-04-03


Quotes: Joe Valachi
Quotes: Joe Valachi

Joe Valachi

You can imagine my embarrassment when I killed the wrong guy.
John S. Tanner

Author Profession: US Politician
Born: 1944-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: John S. Tanner

John S. Tanner

Social Security faces financial problems down the road because of demographics.
Rima Fakih

Author Profession: US Clergyman
Born: 1985-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Rima Fakih
Quotes: Rima Fakih

Rima Fakih

Were a Muslim family, but were also very cultured and we have a mixture of different religions. For example, my brother-in-law is Catholic, and my sister converted and my nephews are baptized. I have an uncle who just graduated and currently hes a priest.
Scott Baio

Author Profession: US Actor
Born: 1961-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Scott Baio
Quotes: Scott Baio

Scott Baio

I love driving cars, looking at them, cleaning and washing and shining them. I clean em inside and outside. Im very touchy about cars. I dont want anybody leaning on them or closing the door too hard, know what I mean?
Shigeru Yoshida

Author Profession: Japanese Politician
Born: 1878-09-22
Died: 1967-10-20


Quotes: Shigeru Yoshida
Quotes: Shigeru Yoshida

Shigeru Yoshida

We are determined that our nation shall cease to be a burden on other countries but shall contribute positively to world prosperity, while observing fully the fair trade practices in international commerce.
Rosamunde Pilcher

Author Profession: Romance, Drama, Fiction
Born: 1924-09-22
Died: 2019-02-06


Quotes: Rosamunde Pilcher
Quotes: Rosamunde Pilcher

Rosamunde Pilcher

She believed, of course ... because without something to believe in, life would be intolerable. Rosamunde Pilcher, The Shell Seekers
Tommy Lasorda

Author Profession: US baseball coach
Born: 1927-09-22
Died: 2021-01-07


Quotes: Tommy Lasorda
Quotes: Tommy Lasorda

Tommy Lasorda

If he raced his pregnant wife he'd finish third.
Fay Weldon

Author Profession: English writer
Born: 1931-09-22
Died: 2023-01-04


Quotes: Fay Weldon
Quotes: Fay Weldon

Fay Weldon

Worry less about what other people think about you, and more about what you think about them.
Joan Jett

Author Profession: US singer
Born: 1958-09-22
Died: —


Quotes: Joan Jett
Quotes: Joan Jett

Joan Jett

During the 'whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa's' in 'Combination Of the Two,' I couldn't help but go to the mirror and pretend I was a wild woman like Janis, in a rock band.
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