Author Profession: French writer
Born: 1824-07-27
Died: 1895-11-27
Author Profession: US comic actor
Born: 1972-07-27
Died: —
Author Profession: Canadian Actress
Born: 1989-07-27
Died: —
Author Profession: US actor
Born: 1916-07-27
Died: 1986-10-14
Author Profession: Chinese Actor
Born: 1963-07-27
Died: —
Author Profession: US Author
Born: 1935-07-27
Died: —
Author Profession: British Novelist
Born: 1949-07-27
Died: —
Author Profession: Scottish Poet
Born: 1777-07-27
Died: 1844-06-15
Author Profession: US Critic
Born: 1924-07-27
Died: 2000-10-15
Author Profession: Nonfiction edit data There is more than one author with this nameJoseph Mitchell was an American writer who wrote for The New Yorker. He is known for his carefully written portraits of eccentrics and people on the fringes of society, especially in and around New York City.-Wikipedia Combine Editions
Born: 1908-07-27
Died: 1996-05-24
Author Profession: French writer
Born: 1870-07-27
Died: 1953-07-16
Author Profession: US baseball player, coach
Born: 1906-07-27
Died: 1991-10-07
Author Profession: US comic
Born: 1956-07-27
Died: —