Famous Birthdays Today

Helen Hunt

Author Profession: US actor
Born: 1963-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Helen Hunt

Helen Hunt

To tell you the truth, I don´t have any expensive tastes. I´m just as happy going to a beach and sitting in the sun today as I was ten years ago. I wouldn't feel comfortable if I drove there in a Bentley convertible.
Courteney Cox

Author Profession: US actor
Born: 1964-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox

I have to be physically attracted to someone. But I can't just be with someone just because it's great sex. Because orgasms don't last long enough.
Ice Cube


Author Profession: US rapper, songwriter, actor, record producer, and filmmaker.
Born: 1969-06-15


Ice Cube

For me rappers and dancers are poets and artists and often times the most interesting performances are given by them.
Jim Varney

Author Profession: US Actor
Born: 1949-06-15
Died: 2000-02-10


Quotes: Jim Varney

Jim Varney

I like to sing. I write music. Country songs. You have to if youre in Nashville. Its part of the lease. You sign a lease that says, I will write country songs and pay my rent on time.
Brian Jacques

Author Profession: Young Adult, Literature & Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Born: 1939-06-15
Died: 2011-02-05


Quotes: Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques

Even the strongest and bravest must sometimes weep. It shows they have a great heart, one that can feel compassion for others. Brian Jacques, Redwall
Oliver Kahn

Author Profession: German Athlete
Born: 1969-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Oliver Kahn

Oliver Kahn

I have a feeling we are going to be world champions, I cant really explain why. Brazil are probably the best team in the world in terms of individual players. But the team with the most gifted players do not always win.
Waylon Jennings

Author Profession: US musician
Born: 1937-06-15
Died: 2002-02-13


Quotes: Waylon Jennings

Waylon Jennings

When they called 'em rock'n'roll pioneers, they were talking about the music. But that pretty much described the living conditions, too.
Mario Cuomo

Author Profession: US Governor (NY), presidential contender
Born: 1932-06-15
Died: 2015-01-01


Quotes: Mario Cuomo

Mario Cuomo

You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.
Saul Steinberg

Author Profession: Romanian cartoonist
Born: 1914-06-15
Died: 1999-05-12


Quotes: Saul Steinberg

Saul Steinberg

he life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes.
Ray Santiago

Author Profession: Mexican Actor
Born: 1984-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Ray Santiago

Ray Santiago

I never had the opportunity to play a Latino character that is seen in a heroic, smart way.
Adam Rapp

Author Profession: US Novelist
Born: 1968-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Adam Rapp

Adam Rapp

Some of the greatest works of theater, from Chekovs work to modern playwrights, consist of just a few people in a room with no one leaving.
Alain Aspect

Author Profession: French Physicist
Born: 1947-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Alain Aspect

Alain Aspect

The development of quantum mechanics early in the twentieth century obliged physicists to change radically the concepts they used to describe the world.
Dusty Baker

Author Profession: US Athlete
Born: 1949-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Dusty Baker

Dusty Baker

I love sharing my knowledge of hitting with others. Now coaches and players at all levels can learn my systematic approach to hitting a baseball with more consistency, mental strength and accuracy.
Yuri Andropov

Author Profession: Russian Statesman
Born: 1914-06-15
Died: 1984-02-09


Quotes: Yuri Andropov

Yuri Andropov

Industry is extremely slow in readjusting itself to the manufacture of modern consumer goods.
Morris Udall

Author Profession: US Congressman (AZ), presidential contender
Born: 1922-06-15
Died: 1998-12-12


Quotes: Morris Udall

Morris Udall

For those of you who don't understand Reaganomics, it's based on the principle that the rich and the poor will get the same amount of ice. In Reaganomics, however, the poor get all of theirs in winter.
John Sansing

Author Profession: US best friend of quotekeeper, musician, inventor, sheet-metal journeyman
Born: 1960-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: John Sansing

John Sansing

Nobody wants a quarter-inch drill bit. What they want is a quarter-inch hole.
Mary Carey

Author Profession: US porn star, gubernatorial candidate (CA)
Born: 1981-06-15
Died: —


Quotes: Mary Carey

Mary Carey

Arnold, if you ever need advice on the state of California or want to grope another girl, call me.

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