Famous Birthdays Today

Tim Allen

Author Profession: US Comedian
Born: 1953-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Tim Allen

Tim Allen

The worlds a mean place. Its unfair, then its fair. Its hateful, then its loving. Its a very peculiar place on philosophical and metaphysical and religious levels.
General Winfield Scott

Author Profession: US civil war general
Born: 1786-06-13
Died: 1866-05-29


Quotes: General Winfield Scott

General Winfield Scott

Say to the seceded States: 'Wayward sisters depart in peace.'
Dorothy L. Sayers

Author Profession: English writer
Born: 1893-06-13
Died: 1957-12-17


Quotes: Dorothy L. Sayers

Dorothy L. Sayers

Facts are like cows. If you look them in the face long enough, they generally run away.
Basil Rathbone

Author Profession: English Actor
Born: 1892-06-13
Died: 1967-07-21


Quotes: Basil Rathbone

Basil Rathbone

Never regret anything you have done with a sincere affection, nothing is lost that is born of the heart.
Emilio Ambasz

Author Profession: Argentinian Architect
Born: 1943-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Emilio Ambasz

Emilio Ambasz

Argentina is a marvelous place. Argentines are great bankers of information. They import information, if someone sneezes in Milan or in New York, they clean their faces very fast there.
Greg Daniels

Author Profession: US Writer
Born: 1963-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Greg Daniels

Greg Daniels

I had my idea of what the series finale of King of the Hill would be, but thats not what the actual series finale was.
Irvin D. Yalom

Author Profession: US Psychologist
Born: 1931-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Irvin D. Yalom

Irvin D. Yalom

When people dont have any curiosity about themselves, that is always a bad sign.
Jennifer Yuh Nelson

Author Profession: South Korean Director
Born: 1972-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Jennifer Yuh Nelson

Jennifer Yuh Nelson

A lot of the time in animation is spent getting the story right - thats something you cant rush.
Li Ka-shing

Author Profession: Chinese Businessman
Born: 1928-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Li Ka-shing

Li Ka-shing

The future may be made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men. Your dedication should not be confined for your own gain, but unleashes your passion for our beloved country as well as for the integrity and humanity of mankind.
Chris Evans

Author Profession: American actor
Born: 1981-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Chris Evans

Chris Evans

There are things that tend to moderate with age. Schizophrenia is somewhat like that.
John Forbes Nash, Jr.

Author Profession: US Mathematician
Born: 1928-06-13
Died: 2015-05-23


John Forbes Nash, Jr.

There are things that tend to moderate with age. Schizophrenia is somewhat like that.
Lisa Vidal

Author Profession: US Actress
Born: 1965-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Lisa Vidal

Lisa Vidal

All three of my kids play soccer. Each one of them started from the time they were about 5 or 6, and we just love it.

Author Profession: British Celebrity
Born: 1974-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Steve-O


The first thought that I had about really trying to get sober was, Man, I could do a lot of good in the world. I can lead by example and just be this heroic recovery guy. And thats just a bad reason to get sober. You cant get sober for anybodys benefit, let alone the world at large. You really got to do it for yourself.
Luis Walter Alvarez

Author Profession: US Physicist
Born: 1911-06-13
Died: 1988-09-01


Quotes: Luis Walter Alvarez

Luis Walter Alvarez

At the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, we have long had a tradition of close cooperation between physicists and technicians.
Natalie MacMaster

Author Profession: Canadian Musician
Born: 1972-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Natalie MacMaster

Natalie MacMaster

When you return to the same area a few times, you get that frequent rapport with the public and the fans of the music along with having a certain warmth when you walk onstage.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Author Profession: Nigerian Economist
Born: 1954-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

No one can fight corruption for Nigerians except Nigerians. Everyone has to be committed from the top to the bottom to fight it.
Simon Callow

Author Profession: English Actor
Born: 1949-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Simon Callow

Simon Callow

The elderly are all someones flesh and blood and we cannot just shut them in a cupboard and hand over the responsibility for taking care of them to the state.
Thomas Arnold

Author Profession: English Educator
Born: 1795-06-13
Died: 1842-06-12


Quotes: Thomas Arnold

Thomas Arnold

Ones age should be tranquil, as childhood should be playful. Hard work at either extremity of life seems out of place. At midday the sun may burn, and men labor under it, but the morning and evening should be alike calm and cheerful.
Fernando Pessoa

Author Profession: Poetry, Literature & Fiction, Philosophy
Born: 1888-06-13
Died: 1935-11-30


Quotes: Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life. Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet
W.B. Yeats

Author Profession: Poetry, Religion & Spirituality, Literature & Fiction
Born: 1865-06-13
Died: 1939-01-28


Quotes: W.B. Yeats

W.B. Yeats

I have spread my dreams under your feet.Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats
Fanny Burney

Author Profession: English writer
Born: 1752-06-13
Died: 1840-01-06


Quotes: Fanny Burney

Fanny Burney

Unused to the situations in which I find myself, and embarassed by the slightest difficulties, I seldom discover, till too late, how I ought to act.
William Butler Yeats

Author Profession: English poet
Born: 1865-06-13
Died: 1939-01-29


Quotes: William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats

Think where man's glory most begins and ends, And I say my glory was I had such friends.
Paul Lynde

Author Profession: US comic, actor
Born: 1926-06-13
Died: 1982-01-10


Paul Lynde:

Right after Trigger died, what did Roy Rogers announce he would do?
Eleanor Holmes Norton

Author Profession: US politician
Born: 1937-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Eleanor Holmes Norton

Eleanor Holmes Norton

There is no reason to repeat bad history.
Lynda J. Coble

Author Profession: US writer
Born: 1953-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Lynda J. Coble

Lynda J. Coble

'His mother worked in a factory, and his father was a cop. He probably wouldn't know a dinner fork from a pitchfork,' Lauren said. Jesse grunted. 'Might make for an interesting dinner companion.'
Laura Kightlinger

Author Profession: US comic actor
Born: 1969-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Laura Kightlinger

Laura Kightlinger

I used to think drinking was the only way to be happy. Now I know there is no way to be happy.
Jerrold Nadler

Author Profession: US Politician
Born: 1947-06-13
Died: —


Quotes: Jerrold Nadler

Jerrold Nadler

We have to go to war against the people who enable the gun violence, the people who stop us from keeping guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people, of felons, and that means the NRA leadership.

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