Born Today

Christopher Lambert

Author Profession: US Actor
Born: 1957-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Christopher Lambert

Christopher Lambert

The most important thing is to be passionate and ready to accept the pains that sometimes go along with the business.
John Tyler


Author Profession: Tenth President of the United States (1841-45). He was also, briefly, the tenth Vice President (1841).
Born: 1790-03-29
Died: 1862-01-18


John Tyler

Popularity, I have always thought, may aptly be compared to a coquette - the more you woo her, the more apt is she to elude your embrace.
Elle Macpherson

Author Profession: Australian Model
Born: 1964-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Elle Macpherson

Elle Macpherson

Its not vanity to feel you have a right to be beautiful. Women are taught to feel were not good enough, that we must live up to someone elses standards. But my aim is to cherish myself as I am.
Eric Idle

Author Profession: English Comedian
Born: 1943-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Eric Idle

Eric Idle

I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this.
Chris D'Elia

Author Profession: US Comedian
Born: 1980-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Chris D'Elia

Chris D'Elia

Once I started doing stand-up, everything fell into place. That was when I started acting more, I felt like Id found my place in the business.
John Major

Author Profession: British Politician
Born: 1943-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: John Major

John Major

Recovery begins from the darkest moment.
Cy Young

Author Profession: US Athlete
Born: 1867-03-29
Died: 1955-11-04


Quotes: Cy Young

Cy Young

Gosh, all a kid has to do these days is spit straight and he gets forty-thousand dollars to sign.
Earl Campbell

Author Profession: US Athlete
Born: 1955-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Earl Campbell

Earl Campbell

Pittsburgh was a great team. Coach Noll, Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, L.C. Greenwood and all those guys did a great job. Thats the team that kept us from winning two Super Bowls. It was a great rivalry.
Jo Nesbo

Author Profession: Norwegian Author
Born: 1960-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Im just an entertainer. In a way crime stories are boring. A crimes been committed and at the end you know it will be solved. So youve got to make the story interesting besides it just being a plot. And thats why character matters, why youve got to make the characters interesting.
Norman Tebbit

Author Profession: British Statesman
Born: 1931-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Norman Tebbit

Norman Tebbit

Parliament must not be told a direct untruth, but its quite possible to allow them to mislead themselves.
Perry Farrell

Author Profession: US Musician
Born: 1959-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Perry Farrell

Perry Farrell

I love being able to escape my past, even though my past was great.
Rob Walton

Author Profession: Canadian Athlete
Born: 1949-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Rob Walton

Rob Walton

If you exercise your mind, youre not going to get sick.
Ryan Kalil

Author Profession: US Athlete
Born: 1985-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Ryan Kalil

Ryan Kalil

Some guys milk injuries and miss a couple games at the beginning. Other guys, they tough it out for the betterment of the team.
Sam Walton

Author Profession: US Businessman
Born: 1918-03-29
Died: 1992-04-06


Quotes: Sam Walton

Sam Walton

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Victor Salva

Author Profession: US Director
Born: 1958-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Victor Salva

Victor Salva

When I was about 13 or 14, I had an English teacher who made a deal with me that I could get out of doing all of the years regular work if I would write a short story a week and on Friday read it to the class.
Amy Sedaris

Author Profession: Entertainment, Cooking, Food & Wine, Crafts & Hobbies
Born: 1961-03-29
Died: —


Quotes: Amy Sedaris

Amy Sedaris

I think it's good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.
Eugene McCarthy

Author Profession: US senator (MN), presidential candidate
Born: 1916-03-29
Died: 2005-12-10


Quotes: Eugene McCarthy

Eugene McCarthy

Nixon is the kind of guy who, if you were drowning twenty feet from shore, would throw you a fifteen-foot rope.
Pearl Bailey

Author Profession: US singer, actor
Born: 1918-03-29
Died: 1990-08-17


Quotes: Pearl Bailey

Pearl Bailey

There's a period of life when we swallow a knowledge of ourselves and it becomes either good or sour inside.

march 29 birthdays