Author Profession: Italian scientist, astronomer
Born: 1564-02-15
Died: 1642-01-08
Quotes: Galileo Galilei
Author Profession: US Comedian
Born: 1964-02-15
Died: 1997-12-18
Quotes: Chris Farley
Author Profession: US cartoonist, Simpsons creator
Series The Simpsons and Futurama
Born: 1954-02-15
Quotes: Matt Groening
Author Profession: English philosopher
Born: 1748-02-15
Died: 1832-06-06
Quotes: Jeremy Bentham
Author Profession: US Activist
Born: 1820-02-15
Died: 1906-03-13
Quotes: Susan B. Anthony
Author Profession: US Scientist
Born: 1922-02-15
Died: 1983-07-07
Quotes: Herman Kahn
Author Profession: Comics & Graphic Novels edit data Art Spiegelman (born Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev) is New-York-based comics artist, editor, and advocate for the medium of comics, best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning comic memoir, Maus.
Born: 1948-02-15
Quotes: Art Spiegelman
Author Profession: US lawyer, statesman
Born: 1845-02-15
Died: 1937-02-07
Quotes: Elihu Root
Author Profession: English mathematician, philosopher
Born: 1861-02-15
Died: 1947-12-30
Quotes: Alfred North Whitehead
Author Profession: US actor
Born: 1882-02-15
Died: 1942-05-29
Author Profession: US fashion editor, representative (NJ), diplomat
Born: 1910-02-15
Died: 1992-09-16