February 15 Birthdays

Galileo Galilei

Author Profession: Italian scientist, astronomer
Born: 1564-02-15
Died: 1642-01-08


Quotes: Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei

I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.
Chris Farley

Author Profession: US Comedian
Born: 1964-02-15
Died: 1997-12-18


Quotes: Chris Farley

Chris Farley

People... need a time to laugh. Its up to us to bonk ourselves on the head and slip on a banana peel so the average guy can say, I may be bad, honey, but Im not as much of an idiot as that guy on the screen.
Matt Groening

Author Profession: US cartoonist, Simpsons creator
Series The Simpsons and Futurama
Born: 1954-02-15


Quotes: Matt Groening

Matt Groening

I pledge impertinence to the flag waving, of the unindicted co-conspirators of America, and to the republicans for which I can't stand, one abomination, underhanded fraud, indefensible, with Liberty and Justice... Forget it.
Michael Easton

Author Profession: US Actor
Born: 1967-02-15


Quotes: Michael Easton

Michael Easton

Stability can be a good thing, but it can also lead to apathy. I dont want to set that example for my children. I want them to believe in their dreams and to go after them. You do that by example.
Renee O'Connor

Author Profession: US Actress
Born: 1971-02-15


Quotes: Renee O'Connor

Renee O'Connor

Painting is a hobby for me.
Jeremy Bentham

Author Profession: English philosopher
Born: 1748-02-15
Died: 1832-06-06


Quotes: Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham

As to the evil which results from censorship, it is impossible to measure it, because it is impossible to tell where it ends.
Susan B. Anthony

Author Profession: US Activist
Born: 1820-02-15
Died: 1906-03-13


Quotes: Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony

Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come to the door of memory unannounced, stray dogs that amble in, sniff around a bit and simply never leave. Our lives are measured by these.
Conor Oberst

Author Profession: US Musician
Born: 1980-02-15


Quotes: Conor Oberst

Conor Oberst

Ive cried, and youd think Id be better for it, but the sadness just sleeps, and it stays in my spine the rest of my life.
Herman Kahn

Author Profession: US Scientist
Born: 1922-02-15
Died: 1983-07-07


Quotes: Herman Kahn

Herman Kahn

World War I broke out largely because of an arms race, and World War II because of the lack of an arms race.
Jaromir Jagr

Author Profession: Czechoslovakian Athlete
Born: 1972-02-15


Quotes: Jaromir Jagr

Jaromir Jagr

Its tough in the NHL, you have to produce on a high level. And everybody expects you to do it because you make a lot of money. And I never minded it. I always want to be that guy.
Steven Michael Quezada

Author Profession: US Actor
Born: 1963-02-15


Quotes: Steven Michael Quezada

Steven Michael Quezada

My concern for education in New Mexico has always been there. Im one of those kids that struggled through school, and I feel like I fell through the cracks.
Art Spiegelman

Author Profession: Comics & Graphic Novels edit data Art Spiegelman (born Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev) is New-York-based comics artist, editor, and advocate for the medium of comics, best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning comic memoir, Maus.
Born: 1948-02-15


Quotes: Art Spiegelman

Art Spiegelman

To die, it's easy. But you have to struggle for life. Art Spiegelman, Maus, I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History
Elihu Root

Author Profession: US lawyer, statesman
Born: 1845-02-15
Died: 1937-02-07


Quotes: Elihu Root

Elihu Root

Men do not fail, they give up trying.
Alfred North Whitehead

Author Profession: English mathematician, philosopher
Born: 1861-02-15
Died: 1947-12-30


Quotes: Alfred North Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead

The total absence of humor from the Bible is one of the most singular things in literature.
John Barrymore

Author Profession: US actor
Born: 1882-02-15
Died: 1942-05-29


John Barrymore

Thank God I don't have to act with you anymore!
Millicent Fenwick:

Author Profession: US fashion editor, representative (NJ), diplomat
Born: 1910-02-15
Died: 1992-09-16


Millicent Fenwick

I've always thought of women as kissable, cuddly, and smelling good.
Clare Short

Author Profession: English politician
Born: 1946-02-15


Quotes: Clare Short

Clare Short

Most of us women like men, you know, it's just that we find them a constant disappointment.
Jane Seymour

Author Profession: English actor
Born: 1951-02-15


Quotes: Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour

Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life.

Famous People Born In 15 February