Author Profession: French Politician
Born: 1956-01-01
Died: —
Quotes: Christine Lagarde
Author Profession: French educator and historian, and founder of the International Olympic Committee
Born: 1863-01-01
Died: 1937-09-02
Author Profession: US actor. He first came to attention for his role in the groundbreaking 1991 film Boyz n the Hood.
Born: 1969-01-01
Author Profession: English writer. He was one of the best known thriller writers of all time.
Born: 1879-01-01
Died: 1952-05-08
Author Profession: Pope from 11 August 1492 until his death. He is one of the most controversial of the Renaissance popes, partly because he acknowledged fathering several children by his mistresses.
Born: 1431-01-01
Died: 1503-08-18
Author Profession: French actress
Born: 1939-01-01
Died: —
Author Profession: reality television star and businesswoman
Born: 1970-01-01
Died: —
Author Profession: Irish Novelist
Born: 1767-01-01
Died: 1849-05-22
Quotes: Maria Edgeworth
Author Profession: US FBI head
Born: 1895-01-01
Died: 1972-05-02
Quotes: J. Edgar Hoover
Author Profession: US writer
Born: 1919-01-01
Died: 2010-01-27
Quotes: J. D. Salinger